The best Thing That has Ever Happened to my Life

The best Thing That has Ever Happened to my Life are during my father's office family day. My family and I had 2 family day, in morning for all branch PKNS at SS7, Kelana Jaya and in night for PKNS Shah Alam at Section 17.

I love to go family day because I love to eat their provided for free such as KFC, kerepek, bread, pop corn and many more. When I was kid, I involve in Sukaneka but now I very shy to involve. We just playing games like games at fun fair, paint ball, sand arts and playing with hamster, rabbit. After tried playing around, we just wait for Cabutan Bertuah at the end of family day the grand price is Plasma TV, waiting are very boring moment but didn't get the price. After all the price finish all family go to their car and back their home but my family and I still stay because papa said "Biar la orang lain balik dulu, jam depan tu..". So we still stay for a while to give other way. Guess what? The MC announce that had other one game left, the game want 5 person for 1 group. Mama said "Jom masuk, lagipun orang dah ramai balik". In our game consist Papa, Mama, Wany, Aten, and Faah. After we playing the game, we won the game and get the presents. My family and I shock because we get the same present which is DVD Player, 5DVD Player in one game.

At nigth, We also best moment because had delicious meal and Papa enter Karaoke Contest, it was funny because I never see Papa sing, and he won 2ND place in contest.

I would like to change..

Change about myself..umm..I think everyone want to change themselves become better than before. Even small or big changes that we make it can make people surrounding happy but sometimes unhappy.Here, what i would like to change about myself, of course my intelligent because now feel that my result is not good enough then my friends. I already do to make it better than before, but it still not enough. Secondly, I also want to improve my confident level to stand in front of people, because I quite afraid, nervous, my body become cold and sweating. Thirdly, I would like to change my appearance, I feel I am become horizontally-challenges even my BMI is normal I still want to change that because I can fit all the latest designs of fashion. I also want to control my meal that I take everyday, because after take my lunch I eat chocolate, biscuit and others snack. Since I want to change about myself still love myself and to me be the another person hard than be ourselves . Its not we cannot accept what people judging or advice ourselves, we can change but still be ourselves. Finally, I love myself, and I love what my parents treat me to be a good person.